
A renewable energy future is only possible with greater decentralization of the energy industry. To do this, the production of electricity must be locally compatible.

Thanks to digitization, it is now possible to ensure security of supply with decentralized renewable electricity generators.Where previously only large, centralized electricity production facilities were in use, smaller, decentralized productions will be able to meet the demand for electricity in the future. The advantages are, on the one hand, greater independence and, on the other, lower electricity costs for consumers.

Decentralized electricity market

Representation of the concept of “decentralized electricity market" The interaction of centrally and decentrally generated electricity can reduce CO2 emissions.


The climate targets can only be achieved with increasing use of renewable energies. This requires greater decentralization, which will only find acceptance with compatible technologies.

Acceptance as the key to the decentralized electricity market


The generation of electricity in the immediate vicinity of the consumer is usually only possible if everyone involved is able to deal with the resulting emissions. This means that the primary loads, which consist of optical and acoustic effects in the wind turbines, are within an acceptable range. Vertical Sky® offers unique advantages here.

Landscape integration


Conventional axis wind turbines stand out from the landscape. For some as fascinating objects, for others as annoying foreign bodies. The towers, like the rotating rotor, are clearly visible from a distance. The constant change of angle of the lines (rotor) attracts the eye and can be perceived as nervous and annoying.

The construction of Vertical Sky® has only vertical and horizontal lines. The silhouette does not change during rotation. The result is a calmer, consistent appearance that is better integrated into the landscape. This is also the reason that birds and bats can catch the wind turbine and avoid it.

The Vertical Sky® variant with a lattice mast as a tower is optically “permeable”, can also be kept in field green and thus integrates inconspicuously into the landscape. Photo montage shows the different appearance of a horizontal axis wind turbine and a Vertical Sky® A32 system.

In Ländern mit dezentraler Energieversorgung ist die vertikale Windturbine Vertical Sky® eine interessante Alternative.

Visualisierung der Vertical Sky® in der Linthebene (CH)

Less noise


Thanks to the patented rotor blade pitch control, the speed of the wind turbine can be kept low. This leads to a considerable reduction in noise emission. A maximum sound power level of 85 dB can be expected, which is perceived as about three times quieter ca. 100-105 dB of a conventional wind turbine.
